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"I am interested in becoming a facilitator for DEX, and I would like to add cards such as Blastoise
Would like to edit english variation cards in my spare time. Help with DEX
Fidough ★
Pokechange ★
Bonjour je me présente en tant que faciliteur afin d'aider sur les améliorations ou les diverses err
Pokegirl68 ★
Pokechange ★
Je pense pouvoir aider sur mon temps libre, je ferais ça avec plaisir !!!
Bonjour, pour ajouter les illustrations des prochaines cartes.
Ash ★
Pokechange ★
Hello, I’d like to become a Facilitator to help add new sets to the Dex as they come out and also ke
mschettle ★
I would like to become a facilitator because I have a very large collection, with the goal of adding
Hello, I would like to help add new cards, especially since I have about a hundred cards from Lost O
Hello, I would like to become a facilitator, help out with adding cards to the Dex
Pokechange ★
would like to get involved in keeping cards up to date, especially jumbo cards section
zadnizza ★
Pokechange ★
Je veux aider sur toutes les collection (image manquante / carte)
Pour ajouter ou corriger. J'ai d'ailleurs ajouter toute la série Stars Etincelantes
grall ★
Pokechange ★
Je suis prêt a aider à indexer les cartes étant passionné de Pokémon depuis que je suis petit.
ThePikachu2 ★
Salut, je veux aider à améliorer, compléter et corriger ce site que j'adore !
Pokechange ★
I've been collecting since I was around 5 and keep very up-to-date with new English tcg sets and car
J'aimerais aider à indexer tous les pokémons et faire tout ce que je peut pour aider ^^
Pokechange ★
I would like to help get new and/or missing cards posted to keep the site up to date and complete.
Pokechange ★
Je suis derrière un ordinateur toute la journée donc autant donner un coup de main quand c'est possi
Mogoz ★
I want to help people on what the card looks like.
I would like to help make the Dex more complete, especially by adding images of cards!
I've been collecting Pokemon cards since it first came out. It's a huge passion of mine. Love adding
Tension ★
Pokechange ★
I have been collecting pokemon cards since I was a kid. I also have extra time as i only work a part
Pour aider sur mon temps-libre entre deux échanges !
Correction-révision à votre service !
Pokechange ★
To help out updating new lists in my spare time
Pokechange ★
I want to make this site broader so that it is easier to find good trades :)
Pokechange ★
Facilitateur de ce DEX.
Pokechange ★